This is a fan made project to show how much Alba is loved ​and appreciated all around the world <3 Please click on the ​button below to see all the beautiful messages that were ​sent wishing our Alba a very happy birthday!

From us, best of alba baptista, thank you for sending your ​message and participating in this chain of love. <3


Today, this woman celebrates another year of life and we are here to congratulate her. Not only because it’s her birthday, but because of ​the strong woman she has become. Happy birthday, Alba. We wish you all the best things in this world. May you never lack love, ​happiness, and health. May you continue to be this strong woman, with a beautiful soul and a heart of gold. May you keep pursuing your ​dreams and moving forward. Thank you for being a source of light in our lives, thank you for inspiring us to be better. We are grateful to ​be with you on this journey. You are the most precious human being we have ever known.

Our little star, we hope you have a beautiful day, because you deserve it. Happy birthday, we love you!

Lacey Minick

Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, I hope your day is filled with love, laughter and serenity because you deserve it. I'm so grateful for ​Warrior Nun for many reasons that it is impossible to list them all in a birthday message. But the main thing I'm grateful for is that I was ​introduced to an incredibly talented actress whose work I am constantly on the lookout for now So, thank you!!

Mya Gonzalez @myagonzalez03

Happy birthday, Alba 💙 Thank you for always being unapologetically you and for never losing yourself in the process. You will forever ​be grateful for you bringing the character Ava Silva to life, and you will forever be more than just our Warrior Nun. Here’s to another year ​of peace, happiness and prosperity!

Karol @KarlSchifop44

I hope you have an amazing birthday, I wish you happiness and prosperity, thank you for the work you put in for the iconic role of Ava, ​you still remain one of all of our favourite people!

Happy Birthday🥳❤️

Toni @medblr_td

É maravilhoso porque só um abraço dado com muito carinho, faz com que quem o dá se sinta bem, não importa o lugar ou a língua, ​porque é sempre compreendido.

Por estas razões e muitas mais... hoje envio-te o meu abraço mais caloroso.

- Pablo Neruda

Wishing you all the best, Miss Alba. Happy Birthday.


Happy Birthday Alba! Thank you very much for being our Warrior Nun. I wouldnt be in this fandom without your show. Life would be dull ​without the fandom.

paola @surpergirls

feliz aniversário, alba!!! espero que seu dia seja repleto de realizações, amor, felicidade e carinho. que você consiga aproveitar seu ​diazinho ao lado das pessoas que você mais ama e que você não se esqueça que é admirada por muuuitas pessoas. sei que você é ​introvertida, acha que a fama é algo que oscila (o que é verdade), mas eu semmpre estarei aqui apoiando todos os seus trabalhos e ​consequentemente admirando você e sua arte. sou completamente apaixonada por você!! espero que você perceba que, apesar de não te ​conhecermos de verdade, sua arte é algo mais do que o suficiente para te admirarmos. ps: volte para o brasil porque preciso te dar um ​abraçoooo 🥺

clara @albabptista

feliz aniversário alba!!

você é uma pessoa incrível, com uma energia muito linda e inspiradora. obrigada por transmitir tanto amor e carinho por todos que estão ao seu redor, isso me faz te admirar ainda mais! espero que aproveite muito o seu dia, que seja cheio de amor, felicidade e paz porque é tudo o que você merece.

te amamos e o brasil manda beijos! 🩵✨️

anninha @imjustanninha

parabéns, albinha! 🤍✨️

não consigo colocar em palavras a admiração que sinto por você. o orgulho. o amor. obrigada por servir de inspiração não só pra mim mas ​para tantas outras pessoas ao redor desse mundo <3 que nunca te falte o melhor e que Deus sempre te afaste do pior. te desejo muita ​saude e alegria hoje e sempre 🤍 espero que tenha tido um dia incrível!

te amo! beijos e volte logo pro rio 💙

Louanne @Louanne_77

Happy birthday Alba! You're such a sweet and kind person. I wish you a beautiful year filled with health, happiness and lots of other good ​things.

Hope to see you again in Paris for a few more gifts cause you deserve them.

Joyeux anniversaire 🎂🎉🥳

Mila @pumpkinpi_05

Happy Birthday Alba!! Hope you have an amazing day!! You are such a dedicated and talented actress and I’m excited to watch all your ​future projects. Keep accepting all the good in your life/career and leave out all the bad. You deserve the best and more. 🫶💕

Dhiuhh @sitsad_

Happy birthday Alba, may God alway protect you wherever you are. May you always Happy, always healty aamiin.

Keep being you, stay humble, always kind. I Love You from Indonesia 🇮🇩

Annick Béland @BelandAnnick

I'd would like to take a few moments of your time to wish you an happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day. You deserve that and ​so much more! And I'd like to take a few more moments of your time just to tell you how Warrior Nun affected me in a good way of ​course. And you made that possible, so for that I thank you! I know that some people can awful, but just remember that your real fans, ​the Warrior Nun fans, will always have your back! No matter how hard life can be, we will be there for you. I hope to see more of you in ​more movies or series, but not horror movies (sorry) as you are a very talented actress. I’m sending you all the love that I can. I wish all ​the best in the future. Stay yourself and take care of yourself. In this life of the next / Dans cette vie ou la suivante


Hi Alba. You don't know me personally but you have inspired me a lot with your personal and professional outlook. I especially like how ​you want to keep your personal life out in the limelight. Take care. I look forward to see more of your projects. Happy happy birthday 🎈​🎂🎉.


Happy Happy Birthday Alba! You are truly beautiful inside and out! I wish you and Chris all the best in the world 💙


Miss u a lot. Wish u all the best from Italy

Janeth @baptistaxevansupdates

I wish you the best birthday ever, Alba!!! Enjoy your day surrounded by family and now, your husband. You're so talented, I admire you so ​much since WN (we miss Ava 😔). I hope this new stage in your life is being wonderful, I'll always wish the best in your career and ​personal life, you deserve all the beautiful things this world has to offer you!! I love you. Send you lots of love to you, Chris and Dodger ​🤍


I want to wish a wonderful birthday full of love, health and happiness! May you every wish come true. Love you and can’t wait to see ​your next projects.

Marit @mpieli_is_back

Happy birthday dear Alba, keep being this ray of sunshine and never change for anyone! Stay true to yourself and may your life always be ​filled with happiness, love, contentment and good friends!

Lisa @LisaIsOnTwitta

Dear Alba, your performance in Warrior Nun enabled me to be caught right on the first seconds of Episode one... You pictured the ​character of Ava so deeply and perfectly that I got attached to her from very the beginning. You made me love this show and story and it ​has brought me so much since I discovered it 1.5 years ago. So thank you 💙 I wish you a wonderful Birthday, and I hope it is filled with ​everything you want! 🌹 Be safe and keep on working on great projects so we can benefit from your light.

Merci Alba!

Tori @Bleissu

Just wanted to come by to say hi and happy bday! You’re amazing and have inspired so many people by just being you ~

Much love and happy life! ♡

Camille @tvd_1864_to_lgs


I discovered you when Warrior Nun first aired in 2020 and you became my favorite actress right away. I hope you have an amazing day ! ​Happy birthday 🥳🎂

Lorelei @LoreCatugal

Our Dearest Alba! First off, thank you so so much for portraying "Ava" in Warrior Nun. I don't think anyone could ever portray that ​character any better than you did. You will ALWAYS & FOREVER be our Warrior Nun! With that being said, I'd like to wish you a very ​"Happy Birthday Alba!" I hope you have a safe & fun birthday spent with your friends & loved ones! 🥳🎉🎂

Dawn @Nosey_bird

Happy Birthday Alba. Hope your day is filled with love and memories. All the best from a loving Ava fan x

Marcela @ilikewarriornun

Dear Alba, from the bottom of my heart I wish you all the best - happiness, health, joy and success in both your personal and professional ​life. You have no idea how much joy you bring to strangers (us - fans) through the screen! And I can't even imagine how it must feel for ​the people around you. Stay awesome and enjoy life. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! <3 M.


Happy birthday Alba! You are a beautiful person, radiant, joyful and so talented. You have a whole community that loves you more than ​anything and we'll always be here to support you 💟


Happy birthday! Thank you for being such a ray of sunshine during a dark time in our world. I hope you enjoy your day, and can't wait to ​see your new projects. Congrats also on your marriage, I wish you two nothing but the best! Happy birthday to our our warrior nun! 💙

Eva De Sousa @eva.dsousa

Alba, you have always been such an inspiration to me and my friends, you’re fearless and a feminine icon, never let what the media says ​about you define you <3 FORCA PORTUGAL !!!! EU TE AMO MUITO - Eva

Lena 🎀

Happy Birthday!!💗

May this birthday be filled with all the happiness, laughter, and love you so richly deserve. Here’s to another year of amazing ​achievements and beautiful moments. Keep shining brightly, Alba. The world is a better place with you in it. <3

Loonakatwarrior @Loonthekat

Hi Alba! Happy Birthday! Wishing you a joyful day full of love and happiness. I hope you get to spend your birthday surrounded by loved ​ones.


Hello Alba, despite the short time I have known you, I have realized that you are a super kind, sincere and, above all, very talented ​person. I hope that on this special day you have a great time, a hug from the Dominican Republic. Happy birthday Alba❤️🎉 🎊


Today is this beautiful and talented woman's birthday! Thank you for being this example of a warrior woman who is always looking for ​what she wants and looking for a better world.

I love you and I'm grateful to have you in my life. Happy birthday! I LOVE YOU ❤️

Ashley @avaslxsbich

Happy birthday Alba!! I love you dearly and I am always so excited to see your success! Being a fan of yours is such a blessing. You are an ​absolute gem and your fandom is like a little family. You and your work has brought me so much joy, I can’t wait to see where the future ​takes you!

Neny @tsdbuts

hiiiiii my little ray of sunshine, happy birthday!!!!! I just wanted to wish you all the most beautiful things this world can provide and also ​say that your existence makes this world more beautiful. you are one of my greatest inspirations as a person and artist, and I love you to ​the Moon and to Saturn.

Olivia @avatricesimp2

Happy Birthday Alba!! I hope you have the best day ever and that your beautiful, bright smile never leaves your face cause you deserve all ​of the happiness on your special day! Thank you for being you, and especially for bringing Ava to life... you both are very special to me! I ​love you and can't wait to see what happens in the future! Happy Birthday! ❤️

(P.S. I hope you're having fun in Germany!)


Happy Birthday Alba! 🎉 Stay awesome and hope all your birthday wishes come true 🎂

Asia @ashnootfoound

A thank you will never be enough, words could never be enough.

You are and always be our Warrior Nun, we keep fighting for what we love and you're a big part of it.

We're here for you, and always will.

Happy birthday Alba, you are our shiny Moon <3


I just wanted to wish you a very happy and blessed birthday! Your simple existence and impact on the world makes my day shine ​brighter. You’re by far my favorite actress and I’m so excited to see what you’re bright future has in store for you whether it be on or off ​the screen. I just hope you have a wonderful and relaxing day :)

Vicki @chrisevansfanuk


You are wonderful, beautiful, kind, caring and have amazing beautiful soul

I hope you have the best birthday and have the best year. I love seeing a smile on you face


Dear Alba,

thank you for sharing your hope, your energy, your talent, your kind heart and your light with us. Thanks to you and your portrayal of ​Ava, I have discovered what hope in the darkest of times can look like no matter what life throws at you. You inspire me to find joy in life ​even when it feels like there is none. You make me believe that there will be people who will stay. Thank you for everything you have ​poured into your characters. You are one truly outstanding actress who never fails to touch my heart. Each little piece you share always ​makes me smile. I hope there are many more movies and series to come.

I wish you all the best on your way forward, however that may look. Wherever life leads you, I hope you're happy and I hope you know ​how loved you are.

Happy Birthday! Feliz aniversário! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag aus Österreich!

Much love,


Polina @hephest9

Hi! I wish you all the best, but the most important things I want you to have are good health and to be happy. Just your being makes ​everyone around you smile. You are like a ray of sunshine in this worrying world full of angry people. I don’t know what to say ‘cause i’m ​not a native speaker so I will write in my language. Оставайся самой собой, не позволяй другим людям плохо влиять на ​тебя, не иди у них на поводу. Ты очень светлый и добрый человек, таких людей очень мало, поэтому береги ​себя. Happy birthday, Alba! 💝

Melisa @auselessbian

Happy happy Birthday, Alba! 🥳 I wish you all the best, health and happiness!✨

I hope you're doing well! I just want to thank you for bringing Ava Silva to life and for representing sapphic love in the most beautiful ​way possible. It means so much to me and I can't thank you enough.

You will always be our one and only Warrior Nun and we will always cherish the effort and heart you put into this wonderful role. I hope I ​can thank you in person one day..

We see you and we love you! ❤️

alles Gute &amp; ganz viel Liebe,



Dear Alba✨I wish you the happiest of birthdays from the bottom of my heart. You deserve only the best in all aspects of your ​professional &amp; personal life. You are such dedicated actress. When I saw Warrior Nun it changed my life in unspeakable ways! ​Indescribable! I have been trying to work harder &amp; be better every day since. You are like a light in the darkness! The energy you ​radiate is so bright &amp; brings joy into our lives.💓I can´t wait to see your talent shine &amp; enrich the world again🙌Lucky fans we ​are😊HAPPY BIRTHDAY🥳 lots of love &amp; health, hope that all your dreams &amp; wishes come true! So proud of you!🥰


I don’t know what I should write. I just wanted to wish Alba a happy birthday and hope she’s happy. I hate seeing people online angry ​because she’s happy. I hope She is okay... she’s a good person and she helped me a lot.

Ruby @rubyearpwarrior

Alba, wishing you a very Happy Birthday and lots of love! On this special day, I hope you know that you’re loved and appreciated ​especially by the Warrior Nun fandom.

May all happiness, love and everything that makes you feel good accompany you today and forever. Hoping that we are able to see you ​on screen again and even in person if there’s a chance. But for now, take care and enjoy today 💞

AJ @pocketsbea

Slamat Harijadi Alba! Smoga kamu diberkati Tuhan slalu dan dipenuhi dengan kebahagiaan hingga akhir hayat. 💙💚💛❤💜

Carolina @carol_BR_13

Parabéns Alba! Continue brilhando e trilhando lindos caminhos na sua nova volta ao sol! Muito amor, saúde e sucesso! 💙

Majo @xoxomajjo

Happy birthday, literal angel. Have an amazing 27th year in this life. You are incredibly talented and exude a contagious, vibrant aura. ​You are truly an inspiration, and I deeply admire you! Have a great time filming 'Mother Mary', cancer legend.

Louise @malky30

Happy Birthday to our forever Warrior Nun. 🫶

Veronika @RightStumble

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Alba!

Ich weiß du hast wahrscheinlich im Internet schon gesehen wie viel deine Arbeit in Warrior Nun Leute positiv beinflusst hat, aber dennoch: Vielen Dank, dass du Ava und die Serie zu dem gemacht hast was sie ist. Ohne dein Talent und harte Arbeit wäre es nicht zu dem geworden was es ist. Ava's Geschichte und Persönlichkeit hat mich sehr bewegt. Dazu in der Lage sein so eine positive Persönlichkeit zu haben und über all die Dinge die und die Welt gibt freuen zu können, selbst nach all dem was ihr widerfahren ist.. Das ist etwas was ich bewundere und auch gerne tun würde. Weiters habe ich in dem fandom viele wirklich gute Freunde gefunden, die mich akzeptiert haben wie ich bin und mir das Gefühl gegeben habe, dass so wie ich bin ich genug bin. Etwas was ich davor in anderen Freundschaften nicht gekannt habe. Ohne dass das Fandom so groß geworden wäre, hätte ich sie wahrscheinlich nie getroffen. Und das wäre ohne dich nie passiert. Also, aus Tiefe meines Herzens: Danke! Ich freue mich schon auf deine nächsten Projekte. Ich hoffe du genießt dein Leben und bist glücklich. Du verdienst alles Glück der Welt.

Liebe Veronika/RightStumble


happy birthday alba!! we hope you feel very loved by this project because it was made to show our admiration ​and support! in all these messages we can see how much you inspire other people through your work and actions, ​which confirms what an incredible person you are! we feel nothing but lucky to have someone with such a ​beautiful, brilliant and talented soul! thank you for showing us that we can have it all if we fight hard enough and ​have the compassion, love, respect and motivation to do it. you’re deeply loved! 💌